We are often asked, usually with a little apprehension, if there is any veneer in the piece that has caught their eye … often there is but is that a bad thing?  Not to us!  We oooohed and aaaaahed over both of the below pieces - perfect examples of simple designs taken to another level using a mix of solid timber and timber veneer.  

Oyster walnut veneer - timber veneer is pliable, so curves can be created


The importance of beautiful handles and knobs that not only compliment but complete a piece of furniture as a whole is a paramount consideration when selecting that special piece for your space.

Curvey brass handle

Who doesn’t love a good old boom to bust story?  We Melbournians have a few under our belt but I find the boom of the mid to late 1800’s to be particularly fascinating. 

Chinese miners tent

Sounds like a bit of a stretch you may say … what, save the planet by rescuing a pre-loved piece of furniture?  Not a stretch at all! 

We do our best, like many people, to reduce our household waste – where possible we buy products that are not packaged, we recycle as many general building materials as we can (so many things we have built over the years for next to nothing!) and not a scrap of food is wasted. 

Feeding the timber

If you had a chance to read my blog titled ‘From humble beginnings – what a learning cliff!’, you will have been left with no doubt that we faced a huge learning curve, in our case a ‘learning cliff’, when we started Masterfind in 2011.

One of the biggest challenges (and continues to be) for us, ‘us’ being hubby Pieter and I, is identifying the styles and eras of the pieces of furniture we come across … sounds pretty easy?  Easier said than done! 

Retro mid-century sideboard - circa 1950's

Furnishing your home can be one of the most satisfying and rewarding activities in life – it really is good for the soul, but before the furnishing, comes the home.  It doesn’t matter whether it’s a tiny studio apartment where two bods are a crowd, a high-rise apartment, an old weatherboard, a modern townhouse, a 60’s brick veneer or ex warehouse – whatever and wherever it is – it is your home, your haven, your castle. 

A home to someone 1000 years ago ...

Now that we’ve dipped our toes into the world of blogging and found that it’s not that scary after all, excitement has kicked in – we can’t wait to share what we have learned over the years.  People use the term ‘learning curve’ … mmm, I would better describe our entry into the world of buying and selling such an eclectic mix of furniture as a ‘learning cliff-face’ … we started waaaaaaayyyyyy down at the bottom.  Forget about getting giddy looking down – our learning cliff face made us quiver in our little boots as we started the tentative journey up.  Bo

Circa 1940's - beautiful French oak

Today is nearly as exciting for us as the first day we launched Masterfind in 2011.  Not only are we launching our new re-vamped website today but also presenting our first blog. 

Now seven years on (where did that go?) we have a thriving home-based business and loving what we do more than ever.  To those who know us, you know the ‘we’ are myself (Sue) and my husband Pieter.  For those who don’t know us, well, at least now you know our names!

Our beautiful girls have become our trademark